A solid adventure game all around, Adventures does little to make it stand out from others in the same genre.

User Rating: 8 | Star Fox Adventures GC
With the release of such gems as Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo Kazooe, Rare sure does know how to make a stand out adventure game. With the release of Star Fox Adventures, Rare pulls it off, but not to the same effect as its earlier forays. It seems like the story was put together and then Fox and his team were sort of cut and pasted into the action as a second thought. It seems like they dont quite fit the mold that this game offers. The graphics are some of the best on any system, and boast the best character models out there. The sound is average, with believable effects and cheesy voice acting. many of the dinosaurs in the game are made to sound british and dont quite pull it off. Gameplay is mroe of the same, Zelda style platforming with swordplay and looking for items. The game almost reaches greatness with its belnd of action and adventure, but never quite makes it there and seems like a Zelda knock off.