Fox McCloud goes planet side in a great land based action adventure.

User Rating: 8.9 | Star Fox Adventures GC
Big fans of other star fox games will be used to his space battles and daring arial stunts but in this game were going to see a lot more of the fox behind the Arwing. In this game the Starfox team has fallen on some hard times...falco has left looking for adventure and the others are stuck with no work in a ship thats falling into disrepair...suddenly a call from general Pepper comes in it turns out the planet Sauria is in peril and it's going to be up to fox to go down there and sort things out. Sauria is also known as dinosaur planet is filled with all sorts of dinosaur species some friendly some not so...the planet is tearing itself apart and the friendly dinosaurs find themselves under siege from the forces of an evil dinosaur general. Not only is fox without his Arwing but he's also blaster-less luckily Fox stumbles upon a mystic staff which gives him the perfect way to fight his scaly enemies and throughout the game it also gains new powers of more. For comparisson in this outing has taken a legend of zelda twist fox travels around the various locations of dinosaur planet fighting his enemies solving puzzles..gaining new items and abilities to allow further exploration... fox isn't totally alone on this new adventure his friends stay in contact to offer advice via radio...and he is soon joined by dinosaur prince tricky who uses his unique talents to aid fox in solving puzzles and hunting for secret items. Graphically the game is superb you can pick out individual hairs on fox and the detail in all the areas you visit are superb too...the areas are varied too from snowy mountains volcanoes..swamps to caves and more the ambient music is put to good use toothe best being the friendly safe sounds you get when you return to the safey of Thorntail hollow . The game is of a decent length and there is a lot to be done in order to save the crumbling planet and it's action all the way. So looks gorgeous...contoles like a dream...good lifespan....the set piece boss battles are superb and there are even a few Arwing sessions for a change of pace it's all very good only downside being that some people may prefer star fox to stick to the skies... I however would rate this title as one of the gamecubes fines and in terms of action adventure it's right up there with Wind Waker....Top Stuff