It's too bad this game is not more popular, because it is a really great game. The gameplay style is very similar to Zelda: A platformer with some puzzles. There are many items to find and obtain in this game. This game probably uses every gameplay mechanic there is in a platformer game. There are some fetch quests that can become very tedious, and the Star Fox style flight missions are annoying, but overall this is a very good and long game with many things to discover, and a pretty good story. The graphics and music are wonderful, some of the best found on the Gamecube.
If you are a fan of Zelda, and other platformers, give this game a try, you probably won't be dissapointed.
The Good: Impressive graphics and sound, interesting story, good Arwing missions (though not enough), fun to play through despite Gameplay issues, good puzzles The Bad: Awkward item system can be annoying, boring Game... Read Full Review
Star Fox Adventures is more than the sum of its dismal parts. One would believe that pointless story, mind-numbing combat, inane puzzles and excessive backtracking destroys any game. Thanks to the constantly changing gam... Read Full Review