Not a bad action game but

User Rating: 5.6 | Star Fox Adventures GC
Not a bad action game but it just wasnt star fox. It was an action adventure cliche. The game play was fun, but again I want to do more flying and blowing stuff up. The controls took a little while to pick but as the game went on they got easier and better. Some of the video cut scenes were really annoying because they just drug on forever. I think the game could have had a little more added to it gameplay wise because it was a pretty short game. Dont get me wrong if you like platformer action adventure things it will be a good game for you, but I really had high hopes for the flying star fox that we all came to know and love with the N64. There were a lot of boss type fights that were fun and there were some challenges that were a little rediculous, also there were times that I felt like I was going back and forth between two different lands and not really doing anything except running errands. The flying in the game is there but I felt that it wasnt there enough and the controls were very awkard in comparison to the N64 flight things. On top of the annoying cut scenes there were also a lot of text boxes. The game was fun after I got over the fact that the designers werent going to incorporate much flying into the game. the characters were cool and the ideas were good I just wasnt happy with it overall.