Amazing Graphics+Starfox+Playing on the Ground/Space=Great Starfox Game

User Rating: 8.7 | Star Fox Adventures GC
Starfox Continues on the GC And alot was added to the game that has made it a Great piece of work an AMAZING graphical show makes they game so very inviting to play. a Cool Cast of Characters Some old Some New. The Game offers a good story line that keeps you wanting to continue on finding spirits to offer to a god that will free some girl that Fox seems to be falling for.
although if you liked the Starfox 64 because of its Setting (Space only) then you might feel that Starfox Adventures strayed a bit too much away from space flight and More to Ground Floor Work.
Overall this game offers many weapons and items a cool story line. It's Just a good RPG all-around and should be played if you have a GC