they put this overrated mess higher the starfox assault?
okay if you read any other review theyre likely to say something along the lines of "its like a starfox LoZ!". im sorry to say thats a huuuge overstatement, true it has the L target thing goin on but thats it. ya see in LoZ you get different combos by tilting the control stick diffent ways and well different button combos meaning that there is some effort put in the fight (like dont stab when he has sheild or something) in adventures on the other hand no such luck. the whole combat sistem is boiled down not just to 1 button but 1 combo! well no thats not true in a handful of cases (saying 5 is pushing it) i managed to trigger one other combo but never when i wanted to. but this fight system not only severely limiting to what you do but very boring. to make matters worse theres only handful (again thats a liberal use) of enemies to fight none very different from the next. all or this makes the combat feel very flat.
well you say, they must make up for the combat with good puzzles or story then! again, no, just no. as i stated before i wont go deep in the story to avoid even the slightest spoiler (plus who wants to dive into a shallow pool?) but it suffices to say its nothing special by ANYONES standards and very predictable. but for those of you still holding out hope for a good puzzle or two, im sorry but for the last time (hopefully) NO! the biggest puzzle in the game is somewhere on the lines of find the 8ft cog in the next room, it honestly makes me feel stupid just thinking of it.
wellwith all this negative its time for whatever good i can find. the graphics are nothing to write home about but theyre okay and they certainly dont detract from the game. the voice acting was fair in most cases but in a few, just made me want to throw my head against the wall, case in point slippy toad and the shop keeper. its also nice that there is some arwing use however limited.
well time for the random stuff that i couldnt stand. the game is extremly simplistic as i touched on ealier but at certain points it gets unfairly hard. without giving much away i can say that at a certain point you have to tap A faster than most humans can and shortly after theres another annoying challenge thats kind of hard to describe. your little side kick does nothing but get on your nerves. and the villain isnt by anymeans threatening. and everytime your get even the tiniest thing theres this overplayed zelda-esque animation, really annoying when you consider the pointlessness or most things that you find!
well in short dont buy it! it has some nice momments at points but it just cant stand on its own two feet.