Starfox Adventures is quite the departure from the series norm. Instead of constant battling in the arwing, Fox gets out of the cockpit for some planetary exploring, but is it any fun? At times, but much of the game is spent doing search missions that are more exhausting then rewarding and there are many of these missions. When the plot does thicken (rarely), but just enough for the player to never play SFA again the game can get exciting. This "excitement" usually wheres off quickly though by the boring gameplay. Starfox is a beautiful game. It pushes the GameCube's graphical abilities and then some. Textures are better then any other game on the Cube. The particle system is impressive, water looks natural and the lighting is superb. If there is a reason to buy this game it's to see this game in 480P, which looks phenominal. The sound is great, you'll be humming to many of the area theme songs throughout the advanture. This game is long, longer then 20 hours, which helps this review score, but, doesn't help the gameplay at because of the repetiveness. You will say, "Didn't I already do this"? often. Starfox trys to do something different for the series, but just fails. Keep your money, unless you need a complete Fox collection.
The Good: Impressive graphics and sound, interesting story, good Arwing missions (though not enough), fun to play through despite Gameplay issues, good puzzles The Bad: Awkward item system can be annoying, boring Game... Read Full Review
Star Fox Adventures is more than the sum of its dismal parts. One would believe that pointless story, mind-numbing combat, inane puzzles and excessive backtracking destroys any game. Thanks to the constantly changing gam... Read Full Review