True Star Fox Fans Stay Away

User Rating: 5.9 | Star Fox: Assault GC
This is yet another let down for real Star Fox fans. Based on the in store demo I thought it was going to be more like the original Star Fox but that was not the case. I knew there was going to be non-arwing missions like Star Fox Adventures but I was really hopping Nintendo and the developers had learned their lesson. You spend the majority of the time in this game walking around or using some type of land based vehicle. The worst is when you have to go back and forth between the air and ground. In addition this land air combo makes it annoying to have to go through the game multiple times to unlock everything. I'd gladly play it over and over if I could stay in my arwing. The only minor saving grace is the multi player action but the level sizes are very very small and don't allow for really good matches. If I am remembering correctly off the top of my head i believe there are 12 missions and only 4 missions are true arwing missions.