A game that truly enhances the original N64 version.

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Fox: Assault GC
I had just finished my first week of summer school, and I decided to rent some games for the weekend. Having read a bit about Star Fox assault, I decided to rent it. Being a veteran of 64, I managed to beat the game, and without too much difficulty. Despite this, Star Fox Assault has been one of my best gaming experiances in a long time. The controls are taken almost directly from the 64 version, with only three differences. You can still barrel roll your arwing, but you can no longer use it to deflect lasers (being able to do this in 64 made the game somewhat too easy), simply as a method of quickly dodging from side to side. You can't turn your Arwing up on its side for fast turns anymore, this is however replaced with the barrel rolls. These two differences actually improve on the game. The one downside in the controls is that manouvers such as boost and hover now are turned on and off, instead of being held for the duration. This leads to (especially in the tank) a lack of fine control. The on foot missions are a gem, with the only downside being a difficulty of hitting targets not directly eye level. I felt 64 did not feature enough missions with the landmaster, and the submarine level was simply gimmicky. The on foot experiance was only during versus, and only with insane amount of perfection during the story mode. In short, Star Fox Assault has taken a true gem of a game, and improved it immensely. They didn't change the gameplay, but excellent features were certainly added to it, including an in-depth storyline, and more was to play. The game loses a bit of feel on the lack of options in the story line, but all in all, this game truly is worthy of its predecessor. If I owned this game, I would be playing it for a long time, just as the original, so my time spent is going to be an estimation instead of fact.