Star Fox Assault is a great game with a good multiplayer mode and story.
It has a very interesting story mode with a variety of different modes of transportation( walking, landmaster, arwing...). The level design's are great, the bosses are well designed, and the weapon variety is pretty good. The controls have different types of settings so you can pick the best one, I usually go with the default I think.
The Multiplayer mode is very good, although I wish you could just battle a CPU setting instead of always having to have another person fight you. The different levels are great to play on, hideout's, a variety of different planets, and characters, such as Fox, Falco, Slippy, Krystal, and some secret ones such as Peppy, and Wolf. There also secret stages that can be unlocked through Story mode and Multiplayer matches, as well as different weapons that can be unlocked once you play a certain number of matches.
Star Fox Assault is very well designed and fun(especially when you get out an arwing in mid-air and grenade you opponent as he's trapped in a crevice) and is an all around great game. The difficulty is "Just right" and even a new player will be dominating Story mode before long.
Gameplay: 10/10
Story: 9/10
Graphics: 10/10
Music: 8/10