Star Fox Command Review

User Rating: 9.6 | Star Fox Command DS
Star Fox Command is a different Star Fox at first glance. Gone are the rail shooter stages that we had come to love of older games in the series. This is not the first time Nintendo has changed the formula on us (Star Fox Adventure which was very good) and I doubt it will be the last. At first you may find your self wondering why you are playing a strategy game and the battle sequences may seem brief. Give it some time however and you will realize that this game has quite a bit to offer. The battle sequences may be short but they are the most frequent of any Star Fox game to date. The Boss/Min Boss battles are inventive and the touch screen controls handle beautifully. One nice new feature of the game is the ability to drag and drop a bomb anywhere on the map. The game is also highly re-playable due to its 9 different endings making this the most branching Star Fox to date. The other added bonus of this game is the variety of ships you fly throughout the different story lines, each with it's own unique look and weaponry. Star Fox Command really makes you feel a part of the Lylat System. The visuals of the game are very pretty. Sunsets reflect of of the water planet's surface. The underwater and above water levels look great as well. The ships are all modeled very well and have great detail and reflectiveness. The only thing that has suffered a bit is the sound. It is all the usual Star Fox sound but they still use animalese (Animal Crossing) to talk. You can program in your on voice to be used for talking although it is still in animalese (weird). It is unfortunate that so few games for the DS have had full human speech yet. Star Fox Command may be my favorite Star Fox game of all time or at least very close to Star Fox 64.