StarFox returns to it's roots on the DS,making it first handheld and online StarFox ever!

User Rating: 10 | Star Fox Command DS
StarFox Command come back to all dogfighting,all the time.The game story mode has nine endings,and 33 missions.The story mode is a little short and the AI is a little too simple to beat.This game is the first in series to go online,making the muti-player much more inenjoyable.The mutilplayer has one major flaw,it olny has one playable pliot,Fox.It's a downside because their are 15 playable pliots in single player.Over all Star Fox Command is a great to take all power of DS touch srceen and online mutiplayer,making StarFox return to its root in a big way!

Oh yeah,this is also is my first review!