Nintendo doesn't need another stradagy game it needs it's Rail-shooter franchise to comeback!

User Rating: 4.3 | Star Fox Command DS
So when looking at the initial screens of star fox command I was under the assumption that Nintendo had taken a long hard look at themselves and realized that through out the platformer adventure game and the run'n'gun shooter they had realized that what made star fox great was that it was a very fun rail shooter. I had no idea that Nintendo would ignore that and make one of the worst turn based strategy games I have ever played. Disgaea this ain't.

The map is a very small, top down perspective that you guide with your pen, only actual strategy is when you have a fork in the road because of no-fly zones which are just inexplicable red blobs on the screen, and a mysterious space fog which you have to scratch away with your pen.

Now this would be fine and dandy if the fighting was any good, but no! The point of these timed battles is to shoot down a number of one type of enemy and collect little stars floating in the air when they die. They don't even fight you they just fly around minding there own business and occasionally shoot things in any direction. You might think you would be worried about the around 60 second time limit for each match but don't worry it takes about 4 seconds to defeat everyone. Sometimes you'll have to take down a mother ship which means flying in a straight line and doing a barrel roll.
I will say that the controls for flying are well done and it only takes a few minutes to get the hang of stylus flight control, it could be just a bit tighter and speeding up and slowing down isn't all too great but all in all it worked out to be very well done.

If you like hearing your own voice if you were a dyslexic chipmunk then listen to the story where fox has girl issues and you have to take out some fish empire for some reason.

Multiplayer is pretty good, reminds me of all the time spent with the N64 multiplayer except not as fun.

*sigh* maybe Nintendo will give us our first true new Starfox game for the Wii. Lord knows we waited long enough.