Fun, short, and annoying...

User Rating: 8.2 | Star Fox Command DS
I was totally phyced when I bought this game. For the first few hours I loved it! I put it down after about 3 hours of play. And revisted one of my previous games, then when frustrated with that I returned to Star Fox to get a lil farther.

I finished the game two hours later.

Now, lets be fair, there are multiple 'story line' giving you a differnet route though the game... but if I have to sit though another five hours of gameplay that consists of 4 hours of talk and 1 hour of gameplay to get through all the endings of this game... well I'll just trade it in before that!

The core single player game is fun. I don't mind the control layout. However the speed up and slow down commands are iffy. Everything else is pretty easy to handle and complete.

The different characters unique ships are fun and offer interesting techniques. (Krystals ship is just amazing...once Krystal's on your team, the rest of the game is pretty easy!)

Gameplay is fun and addictive. The strategy segment can be frustrating, but it's still offering another gameplay element that is me anyways.

The multiplayer is probably the major reason why I won't be selling the game after I finished the single player. It's fun, and very entertaining! I often find myself joining games to blow everyone up (but mostly get blown up myself)

Overall, a great game. One of the better ones for DS, just too short...