'Less you have played previous Star Fox advetures, I would've put check you're bairgian bin. Trust me, I'm being nice...
This is an exception.
A big one...........
Let's start off by actually lining up to get the game. Other than saying don't for the love of God, the front and back look like a general, but fun, Star Fox game that could be compared to his Gamecube Debut, Star Fox Adventures. So you buy it for ten bucks at least (it's an old game from when we still used the original DS) ( yes, the one with out the useless cameras!) and waiting till you can go home and play it, waiting to shoot the CR*P out of the Cosmos....
Then, you get home, and eagerly slip STAR FOX COMMAND into you're DS. The usual DS screen appears, as you just want to get on with the game.....
Sure, you get an epic begging cut scene, which I bet you didn't skip, and then get thrown in training, easy enough. But then, when you get to story mode, you get these cut out figures of Fox and ROB 64, talking to each other in either this screwed up voice which mumbles like an epilipic, or an even more screwed up version of you're voice from the MIC, with boring text flashing on the bottom of the screen. This is something you would expect from Fire Emblem! A great story but with messed up figures. But not this game.
Instead, you get all of the above, except with out the great story.
And strategic plotting! THIs is not Zelda. You should just blast things out of the sky like the great old 64 days!
This can be appeling to anyone who has a long history of Star fox like me who could beat it easily, but for newcomers, you won't make it past level two. Sorry if the begging saying "Easy" threw you off about this game.
For Star Fox Command, and for the next Star Fox game on a portable gaming system like the DS, please lose the long and rather boring ploting, and cutscenes, becuase it makes this game a regret to buy, and will end up on the shelf of games, never being played unless you have someone else to play with. Multiplayer was sick!, but Disappointing fits the marker the best, as for shooting, this is not a Star Fox game.
Thanks again for reading!