Star Fox Command is a pretty ok game but it just isn't long enough and doesn't really make you wanna come back and play.
One of the big things that is wrong/missing in Star Fox Command is that all the levels are the boxed in ones, were if you go to far you will flip around and back in. A good idea would have been to add some of the actual levels where you fly through the stage and have to get to the end. The worst part of this game though is that it is very easy. It will probably only take about 2-3 hours before you beat it once. One of the big diffrences about this game is that before you battle each stage is set up like a tactics style battle. You will have to use your stylus to move your ships around the area until an enemy enters your path then you will engage into an actualy battle stage. The multiplayer in this game though is on the edge of good and bad. Theres not to much to do in the multiplayer since its just a couple of different power ups and the stage. It is WiFi though and you get a record card to show your wins, losses and drop outs.
The first thing you will notice about this game is that the ships are controlled by the stylus. To boost, brake, spin, loop, turn and more you must use the stylus. This has probably been one of Nintendo's better ideas when incorporating the stylus into their new handhelds games. You shoot your ship by pressing any of the actual buttons on the DS. You may think that this would seem weird and probably not as good as just no stylus at all, but its the opposite. The game actually works very well with the stylus and it doesnt feel odd using it.
The graphics in this game are ok. the ships will look, at points, pretty "blocky". When your doing the tactics style battle everything is just 2D and isnt really that great because everything is pretty much an icon, so they could have improved on that. Also the characters look like they were remodled and it doesnt actually appear to be a good remodle. They're heads are bigger and its just very cartoony which Isn't the best if your an oringinal Star Fox Fan.
The Length of this game isnt to great. This game takes about 2-3 hours to go through one of the endings and there are about 8 endings. You would think that would be alot but it actually gets kinda borring after the first ending is done. The WiFi is pretty fun though and you will most likely play that a couple times but even though theres lots to do in 1 player, you will probably only do about 5 endings at MAXIMUM (and thats even stretching it).
This game is pretty fun for the first bit but I dont actually think it's worth buying. It is definatly worth trying, so renting it would be a great idea. There's just not enough in it to keep you playing it for more than a couple weeks.