A Departure from the Usual Star Fox Gameplay, But nontheless A good play/

User Rating: 8.9 | Star Fox Command DS
Game play: 8/10

Now This isn't the Star Fox You Remember form the N64 Days, Its a whole new Bag.
The Two main Veins of Single player are an Overhead Tactical Map Display and what Star Fox 64 fans know as "All Range Mode". The Tatical Map allows you to plot the Flight plan for your Ship(s) to Intercept enemy Fighter and Missiles Bent one Destroying the Great Fox That rae launched form Bases in a Turn Based System.
On map you can collect Extra Time, Ship repairs and Missiles for the Great Fox to shoot down some fighters.

When you encounter a Missile or Fighters at the end of turn you go into "All Range Mode" and Fight it out in a Timed Open battle, the time Carry's over from one battle to another however you can earn extra time by collecting Time Bonuses and by Reflecting attack by Barrel rolling. In All Range Mode you use the Stylus to Steer your Arwing (or other Craft) and also Deploy Bombs, Perform U-Turns Loop-de-Loops and Barrel rolls, Boost and Break. In default you use ether the D-Pad or the abxy Buttons to Fire your lasers and hold them to do a charged lock-on. you must collect a number of Core from certain enemys wreckage to complete a Battle.

When you attack a base, you must frist destroy the enemy's and collect there cores, then you must fly through windows and at the last minute barrel roll to destroy the "Mother ship". atfer destruction, you sre awarded with 2 extra turns and a missile for the great fox. the now freed base can now be used to refuel your ships in map mode.

Missle Encounter involve you chasing the missle through a number of windows as you gain speed, once you cacth up to it you must destroy the missle with your lasers.

With 9 endings and branching paths, you'll keep on coming back to get them all.

The game is also Wi-Fi Enabled and has two modes:
Battle Royal: a Ranked 4 player free for all dogfight between Random people.
Free battle: an Unranked Free for all For up to 3 friends or 1,2 and 3 random players.

Graphics: 10/10

Up to par with most DS games. Very Good

Sound: 8/10

The music is perfect for each setting. The Gibberish VO's Get annoying after awhile.

Value: 10/10

I my Opinion, its worth Every cent.

Tilt: 9/10

Over all 8.9/10

Buy or Rent: BUY!

While Not perfect, Star fox Command is a Must buy for all DS owners.