This was my first DS game purchase for myself.I'm big on the Playstation 2 and the 20 dollar titles so paying 30 bucks for a DS game hurt me a little but i figgured, what the hell, it's Wi-Fi playable.The Graphics are pretty good.It also has a nice mix of strategy and combat as it's gameplay.The sound sucks.When characters converse its a weird robo talk.You are supposed to be able to customize the robo talk with your own voice but even with this it sounds horrible.Maybe i'm missing something,I dunno.The Wi-Fi play is smooth and fun, but now i must hit you with the worst part of the game for me(or so i've found) The Stylus! You shoot with any of your other buttons but all of your flight is controlled by dragging ,tapping and scribbling with your stylus.I think this is a royal pain in the keester.Your allowed to go into the options and change the limited steering function(up/down or vice versa) but regardless i think it sucks.Now if they made the game with the option of using either your stylus or the regular gamepad this game would be absolutely perfect and up there with MarioKart DS as one of the best titles for the system.Maybe I'm too old school and i realize the touch pad capabilities of the DS make it unique but i'd rather if they had used it it other ways than your main flight control. LD
Star Fox Command for the DS is a very unique game, using the touch screen for control of your ship and your flight path. Unlike the previous Star Fox games, you don’t continuously fly through all of the levels. Instead... Read Full Review
Gameplay: Anyone familiar with the Starfox formula will recognize this. However, Command has taken a "Advance Wars meets Starfox" type of route. When you start your single player game, you will see of course... Read Full Review