All in all its a good game. Yes it does get repetative but when you start playing the level you forget about the.....

User Rating: 8.9 | Star Fox Command DS
All in all its a good game. Yes it does get repetative but when you start playing the level you forget about the repation. This is my first starfox game and worth buying if you have DS. The sotry endings sometimes turn out to be bad ones but there are also good ones in my opinion they should just have one long story line. Also when you are trying to find a diffrent story line you might end up with a story that uoy already did. Anyhow even though it is repetative the creators of Starfox change the levels afte rcertain amount of storie completed so there is also variety. Plus this game has wifi which gives it an edge it doesn't get boring until maybe after 45 min of playing wifi. So to sum up what i am saying there are annoying parts which are not so annoying and there are more fun parts then there are annoying parts. This game would make an excellent addition to your DS collection.