starfox command is great cause it returns to the old starfox roots even with clunky controls and a deep learning curve
User Rating: 8.4 | Star Fox Command DS
star fox is back and better then ever after the letdown of star fox assualt i didnt know if starfox ould bounce back but now i know it did. command blends the classic star fox shooter with strategy to create a unique yet addictive ds game however the controls for flying with the ds are very clunky and mess u up alot and the strategy is good but u only get 4 turns to win and that aint to fair. anyway the graphics are great for the ds.the sound is horrible for vo's but good everywhere else. theirs multiplaYER AS WELL but its very shallow overall starfox command is great cause it returns to the old starfox roots even with clunky controls and a deep learning curve . i recommend this to any fan of star fox or someone lookin for fun shooter startegy game. a great pick up for the holidays