The fun is back!!! (Finally)

User Rating: 8.3 | Star Fox Command DS
Star Fox Command marks a return to fun for the series and a return to the look and feel that made the original such a hit. Resembling the SNES installment both graphic and game mechanic wise, SFC benefits from added depth thanks to the "strategy" sections of the game and an intuitive game control. While the constrained environments at times make the game feel less epic than in may have, these moments are rare and far between. The use of the stylus is perfect, allowing for accurate targeting as well as easy implementation of rolls, flips, and loops. Additionally, the branching story (available once the initial, albeit somewhat short, mission) add high replay value and variety. For those hoping for a return to glory for the Star Fox team as well a the uninitiated, this is a game that should not be passed up or missing from any DS library.