Lots of potential, but overall comes out too short.

User Rating: 7 | Star Fox Command DS
Hello this is Poe Tokoro with the review of Star Fox:Command.

Story: The game's story is great...if it had more looks to it. The game is told between levels with 2 to 6 characters blabbing on and on about the situation at hand. The thing that will get most Star Fox fans mad is the fact that the N64 could hold voice acting but as advanced as the DS is, the game can't hold 1 second of voice acting. This ruins the entire story mode and will make you wish there was a skip button the first time through.

Gameplay: The game controls great, and is a blast to play. This is by far the best part about SFC. The only thing about this game that is bad is the levels. The game never has any of the old-style levels where you follow predetermined paths to get through the level. Instead you are in open levels and are forced to beat the crap out of certain enemies. This works fine for training you to play online, but overall feels out of place due to old Star Fox games using the predetermined path levels that were the highlights of those games.

Sound: The game's music is excellent and you will love listening to it. The sound for the lasers aren't bad and definitely won't get you mad. But the lack of voices in exchange for the crappy weird sounds was definitely not the way to go.

Multiplayer/Wifi: The multi player is very fun...for a little while. After a couple of download play matches and the retarded multi-card exchange will definitely make you bored of the multi-player. Wi-fi is no fun due to the fact that single player mode has nothing to do with your rank and does fighting your friends on wi-fi. And like Mario Kart, there is no way to communicate with each other. Which is heart-breaking due to the fact that Metroid is able to text and chat.

Overall: After a week with this game you will want to throw it away so I suggest renting it first.

-Poe Tokoro