This game is a perfect example of a perfect RPG! It may not be the best, but it's certainly close!

User Rating: 9.7 | Star Ocean: Till the End of Time PS2
This game is a perfect example of a RPG! It may not be the best, but it's certainly close! If you must know why, it's because it has some great features such as: 1. Wonderful battle system 2. Fun characters 3. Great storyline. Unfortunately, the graphics arn't the best (they are pretty good, though) and the bosses can be VERY tough. Look at this, to beat the game you must first beat 200,000 HP, then a second form with 400,000 HP! The TRUE final boss has 40,000,000 HP! Yes, that's right! However, the story is a wondeful one that starts with an attack on Hyda 5 by a group known as the vendeeni. They kidnap Fayt's (the main character) father, and Fayt tries to rescue him. However, he must take a detour as a war between Aquios and Airyglyph reigns on...
So, in other words, this is one of the best games to ever hit the market! You may think the bosses are impossible, but characters grow pretty fast on you. If you're thinking about buying this game, then by all means, do!