Maybe not an rpg for all the hardcore rpg fans out there, but its still worth checking out.
The Bad: The sound
The Unknown: The enemies get unfairly hard after a certain point
Let me first say, if your an hardcore rpg fan don't get this game. I say this because you will find every little thing wrong with the game and not enjoy it. If your a moderate rpg fan the little things won't affect you as much.
Gameplay: 8/10
The gameplay is very nice I must say. The battle system is what I love about the game. Its not like FF where you just sit there and just press the buttons to see what your going to do next. Its real time and you have to keep a close eye on everything. If your on one side of the screen and your party members are on the other side and all the sudden you die--gameover because you didn't see that your other two members where already dead, paralyzed or turned to stone. The gameplay has two flaws. One: The enemies just get hard after a certain point. Even the common enemies are like mini bosses. The boss battles are hard but not as hard as the last boss and the mini bosses after you beat the game are very X4 difficult. If you don't have Orichalcums (A special item) equipped to your characters there is a slim to none chance that you can beat them. So sometimes you will have go back and fight enemies to gain EXP (which i love doing, idk why) Two: When you start to run low on items you have to run out of the dungeon (which is pretty long) and go to the nearest town to stock up and this can be very annoying at times.
Sound: 6/10
The sound in this game is just plain horrible. The battle music is great . The sound of the characters you can't even hear because the background music is playing so loud.
Graphics: 9/10
The grahics are great. Not the best of what the ps2 can do. But just the right
graphics for this game.
8.1/10 Good game and worth buying
For an RPG Game: 7/10