Star Ocean: The Divine Force has all the staples of a typical JRPG. Town --> gear ---> items ---> dungeon and repeat. The combat is fast paced, action with you and 3 or 4 sub characters on auto. The side quests are annoying, after you receive one, they don't tell you the details of the side quest objection. I completed Star Ocean in about 30 hours, and I never did the side-mission to learn how to craft. I skipped it by accident, and by the time I was ready to do it, I was at the last area... whoops!! The main storyline is pretty fun and it's worth playing once this game goes on sale. Major grinding towards the end game and repetitiveness kicks in. Another lesson I wish our Japanese counterparts learned from is.. I wish they would shorten the cut scenes. It's too much!!! Sometimes, you'll watch a cut scene, play for 5 minutes and watch another lengthy cut scene. It drains you if you just turned your Ps5 on and you were anticipating playing something and you find yourself watching an anime.
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