Tons of flaws cover up anything it does right.
The cut scenes. WAY to long and frequent. I guarantee that if I timed them many would be over five minutes long and none of them were even remotely entertaining enough to warrant that time. As I stated earlier, I skipped many of these cuts scene because they were so horrible. Now don't get me wrong, I love cut scenes. I have a long history of love for them. There are games where I have wanted to get done with the gameplay just to get to the next cut scene because they were so good. Not this game. I hated every time that a cut scene would start. I never knew how long it would last. Half way through the game I just started skipping them altogether.
The story was boring. Yeah I said it. Many people liked the story. I had no interest in it. I never found myself asking, "What's next?" The story may have been solid on paper but the presentation was crap. Couldn't stand it. I still don't know how Faize bought the farm. Don't care either.
The characters were horrible. I didn't believe any of them and their voice actors didn't help in that department. I wouldn't have followed Edge Maverick (great name by the way, only not) to water if I was on fire. They all sucked for one reason or another. I just never found myself caring about them. They were poorly thought up and even more poorly executed.
The gameplay was ok. I don't have a lot to critique on it. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that there was no world map, same as the last game. I'm a big world map fan and a game always loses points if they don't have one (there are exceptions, i.e. dragon quest 8).
Overall, not worth the money, maybe worth the time if you need something to hold you over till a game you really want comes out. I just play my old playstation and snes games when that happens though.