great rpg, but not perfect
doesnt kill it, but just keeps it from being a top game. It takes place shortly after a nuclear war
that left earth in a unlivable state. So the remaining contries united to create a space program to
go out and explore the cosmos to find a suitable planet to live on. Shortly after crash landing on
the planet Aoes, you and your team join up with another alian race and try to find any trace of an
old friend and captain who has gone missing.
Once you get into the story, it becomes a little corny and predictable. It isnt really a story that
will pull you in and leave you on the edge of your seat. The characters in it are kind of a joke. They
make you pray that our military doesnt turn out that way in the future. You cant really say they are
not serious, but listening to them and watching them through out the game, you get the feeling they
dont really belong in the military. To say the least, they are a "little" melodramatic.
Where Star Ocean failed at the story and character personality, it made up for it with the graphics
and gameplay. The graphics are sharp and clear. The game play is solid and easy to use. The battle
system is fun and fast paced. The specal attacked look good and are fun to use.
To say the least, it is a good game and is a great addition to the series.