I hate it...
I found the game a complete waste of time.
some players say that it does have a good story,well I agree with those who say the story is good but not those who say it is great therefore I gave the game that amount of rate and it is for the story not for the game-play nor the graphics not for anything ells.
the game play looks so old mode,game-boy and other old platforms stile as the characters are small and have no clear and recognizable face.
As for the graphics:the videos are good and well made but in the game-play it is so very bad for a time like now when there are a lot of good games that have a great story,good visuals,and so on...
for those whom they disagree with me it is fine and it is a matter of opinion.reviewing and rating games is to say our opinions...
isnt that the way to get looks of games to other players?
isnt that why we rate/review games?