Star ocean first departure has a substance that is missing in other RPGs. point of view of an anime and rpg fan.
the substance that lie within this game is basically that all your actions do have consequences. and it reflects the way you think.
If u use walkthroughs to find certain characters ur only taking the essence out of the game. A game like this should only have a walkthrough helping u in ur quest not finding a person.
Enough about that.
+ Great story
+ Really good anine cut scene
+ Fun new (and hip) battle system
+ Great unique learning system
+ bunch of optionel characters that change the way
you experience the game.
+ Best psp game of october 2008
+/- Graphics
> imagine a gameboy advance game in 3D.
(2D characters and a 3D environment)
- Can be a bit cheesy at times
- Can be a hell of confusin some time
We all have different opinions that is what game rating is about right