If you like long long long conversations!
On the other hand, it is dead easy, my 6-yo nephew picked it up and leveled my characters ( i had to set the skills for him though) ... ^_^ the fighting is SO easy, it has many elements from the TALES OF series but it could have been better than the TALES but it was not, i still prefer the tales fighting system better.
It is not a bad game at any rate, the Anime scenes make you wait for them, they make nice interception in the boring game line, So for the time being i am playing it for the sake of the nice Anime scenes and possible Dramatic change in the story later on! (unless it starts looking/sounding so much like Chrono then i am leaving it).
Rent it first, it is not as good as any FF game, and worse than Tales of series ... it is OK ... but after few hours you might think "Darn, waste of time!" or "Oh wow, more Anime scenes!"