RPG Fans must have! :P if you love jRPGs, you will certainly love the game that sparked the Star Ocean Revolution
Though not perfect, the game is still heavily enjoyable and this remake is a welcoming addition for jRPG and Anime fan alike.
Ok now onto the good and the bad
The Good:
The realtime battle system was very refreshing and enjoyable.
The anime cutscenes were beautifully drawn and executed well.
The voice acting was quite good to, with a few voice actors that i recognised from other things.
Storyline wasn't majorly epic, though it was short it was still an enjoyable experience and the characters really grew on you especially with the help of the Private Actions.
The Bad:
Far to much backtracking throughout the game that will leave some players unable to continue
Though an interesting storyline it was far to short.
Far to much of the characters growth was restricted to PAs
Overall the game was enjoyable and it does have some replay value especially if you want to experience each sub-character once, i'm now currently playing Star Ocean : Second Evolution and i am enjoying it alot more atm, but Star Ocean : First Departure though it has it flaws it is still a very good game for any loyal jRPG and Anime fan :)