For Star Trek fans, its a good buy...
The Strategy map is alot like Battlefront 2, moving fleets to worlds to gain resources. Except There aren't world Battles, only space. You can drop defense turrets down to defend the territory when your not there, plus 2 different starbases, a mining station for income, or science station for fleet bonuses and special weapons. Each race uses there own bonuses and there own weapons. They also have different costs for ships and station, weapon and shield strengths, and HP for ships.
To build your fleet, you have the choice of building a scout, a cruiser, or dreadnought class vessels. For the sake of the Fans out there, the Defiant is a scout, Voyager is the cruiser, and Enterprise-D is the Dreadnought. Building a fleet is crucial to surviving if down to almost no planets. If you drop your fleet right where the enemy wants to go, and hide you ships between the turrets around the stations, you can whip 'em good. Once you have taken out all homeworlds and enemy fleets, you win, even if there are a few stray planets.
In skirmish mode, is basically the concept of when your battling ship vs ship. You pick a fleet and there Admiral and the enemy with their leader. You can adjust the leaders ranks to make it very tough. I placed the 2nd Federation fleet vs all Borg cubes, it was the LONGEST battle I have fought on the game. Damn Cubes don't freakin die
****Just for Fun****
If you need an extra challenge for the Star Trek Universe, I tried this. When building your fleet in campaign mode , pick one class starship and make it yours. You of course can switch from ship to ship, but Star trek as always been about one ship fighting all odds. Bring it into battle and don't switch to any other ships, use it as a command vessel. Yes it has no particular meaning, I did it for fun. Choosing the Defiant for my vessel gave me all Galaxy class starships to lead into battle. Though it was the weakest, I learned how to avoid most weapon fire with its handle and fast engines. (using the Galaxy for your ship is ok too, but that means the rest of your fleet will be weaker, and on hard mode, they get picked off pretty quick).