This is a sub-standard game with the Star Trek license slapped on.
This game has nothing to do with Star Trek. You could remove the standard Star Trek races and replace them with any generic name and it would make no difference. Even the implication that the Federation would be interested in total conquest of the galaxy through superior firepower flies in the face of accepted canon.
When producers know that a movie is not going to be reviewed well, they do no allow it to be shown to critics before its release date. Something similar was done here. The game was quietly released with no fanfare and no announcement. I saw it at the Gamestop and picked it up out of curiosity. Upon checking the web, I was unable to find ANY information on the quality of the game except for some glib references to its existence. This should have been my warning, along with its bargain price of $30 for a new Wii game.
Let this one slide. You may be tempted to pick it up and have a Trek game for your Wii, but this one's not worth your time or money.