a.) Downloading the demo to my PS3 (sorry, PS3).
b.) Playing said demo for the thirty,or so seconds that I did (sorry, soul).
c.) Having to come up with a one hundred word minimum to say what a POS it is.
Thank God (sorry, Almighty, for dragging your name into this mess) this sentence gets me past the halfway mark in this review, because any further delay in, oh... I don't know... drilling a hole in my skull to let the memory of this bowel evacuation they call a game ooze out into an open sewer (sorry, open sewer) will make me even more full of rage than I already am.
The miscreants who made this steaming ape pile deserve to be yanked out of their cars at stop lights, tied to chairs and forced to witness terrible things being done to their pets.
That's more than 150 words and that's enough (sorry, words).
Stay away.