Set your phasers to suck!
User Rating: 2 | Star Trek: D-A-C X360
This is about as bad of a movie tie in as it gets. Gamespot has it right on. This is a completely uninspired "Star Trek" game. The quotes are there because calling it a Star Trek game is like calling Wing Commander Arena a Wing commander game. It is that in name only. It's a pure cash grab attempt. I love Star Trek, and this game does it a disservice. The top-down shooter can be done well, but it isn't here. The backgrounds aren't very interesting. I fact, they can be distracting. At times it's hard to tell what you can fly through and what you can't. The shooting mechanics are very basic and bland. You can't even "strafe" by letting inertia carry you as you face another direction to shoot. You basically have to fly right at your target, or sit in one spot waiting to be blasted in kibble. The repetitive nature of the game coupled with the lack of features or variety will have you drooling on your controller in no time. Just skip this game. There are so many better Xbox Live games out there.