Great DOS game for any DS9 Fan
The first half of the game, that is to say the part that actually takes place on DS9, is fantastic. The station has been evacuated because of a plasma storm, so you'll only find a few stragglers and the crew left on board. Of course, most of the cast members are here, sucking you deeper into the "DS9 feel" of the game. One of the great things about this game is that the cast members that are missing aren't represented in the game at all, so there are no horrible voice overs from fill in actors.
You'll get to do several things during the course of the action/adventure (the main parts be adventure) game, such as defend the station from attack, solve a murder, engage in diplomatic missions, get drugged by Quark and chase a few murderers around the station in tandem with the crew. All of this is entertaining and only somewhat tedious. The action sequences are mostly scripted so if you die you'll know where the guy is hiding the second time. The puzzles are all pretty easy, so if you tend to be turned off by high level puzzles you won't find that here.
The second part of the game puts you out on an alien homeworld where you'll use most of the skills you were introduced to during the first half of the game... while this part is still fun, I always missed being on the station. In the end, you'll make it back to the station just in time to jump in the gunner's chair of the defiant and defend the station against the final threat.
Make no mistake - this is a pretty short, pretty easy game to play, with beautiful backgrounds, excellent voice overs and some downright terrible character animations. However, the game does more right than wrong, if you overlook the easy puzzles - it's draws you in and gives you a great "DS9" experience where you feel like part of the crew, and is fun to play, and during some scenes with Quark downright funny.
If you like Star Trek and DS9 and can run an old DOS app like DS9: Harbinger, you'd do great to pick this up on Ebay from from a friend.