Trekky Game
As an Ensign, recently graduated from training, you take control of the Valkyrie fleet. The first ship is light and fast, complete with several attacks and features. Your arsenal contains the Type-9 Phaser, Type-10 Phaser, Compression Phaser, Photo Torpedoes, Quantum Torpedoes, Gravitic Mines, and Tractor and Pressor Beams. While the list of weapons appears long and exciting, the unfortunate reality is that you won't need many of these weapons at all. With just a few minor exceptions, you can finish the game using your basic Phaser and Photon Torpedoes.
Boasting a large set of missions set in a sweet-looking menu system that appears in rectangular quadrants on a white grid above a planet, players move through a linear game setup that often rewards players with bonus levels. For instance, play though a level and pick up on item or beat it in a certain amount of time, and instead of moving to level 15, you may have the choice to play through level 14a or 14b before it. The game is fat with levels, totaling out 20 in all, with tons of extras along the way.