explore gamers to seek out new joystick control issues 2 boldly go where ColonyWars has gone before
User Rating: 5.4 | Star Trek: Invasion PS
Star Trek: Invasion is something that probably was initiated from the developer’s hands. This problem is the inadequacy of Sony’s standard PlayStation gamepad to properly control a flight simulation. Many times during the dogfight of heavy missions, I found myself wishing I could attach my PC’s Gravis Analog Joystick to the PlayStation instead of being stuck using the PSX’s out–of–the–box controller. There are many points in the game where your ability to do battle with your enemy relies on your ability to control your ship with precision, and you just can’t do that with Sony’s joystick. Even the slightest tap on the button will send your ship zooming past its intended target; this alone makes the game incredibly frustrating.