Like a bad FPS with starships

User Rating: 2.5 | Star Trek: Legacy PC
Wow Legacy is BAD. The controls for the ships are terrible. There is no strategy whatsoever. If you were looking for an Armada type game you will not find it here. Instead the game is like a bad shooter with starships that are frustrating to control to say the least.

What were they drinking when they thought up this game? This game is a major letdown with wonky console controls and no ability to save during missions so you end up replaying the same escort missions over and over because the AI assigned to your ships is completely missing.

This game couldn't even be saved by a patch, unless that patch rewrote the entire game. I don't mind the premise of more of a tactical shooter as opposed to a strategy game like Armada, but when they try and make a Starship drive like a FPS it just ruins the whole premise. More disasters like this and no developers will want to touch the franchise for fear of a flop.