Looks great but not up to other Star Trek games' standards. Mediocre replay value.
User Rating: 6.2 | Star Trek: Legacy PC
I don't know what I was thinking. The minute I heard this game was coming out, I though "Wow! Klingon Academy on steroids!" Now that I had a chance to play it, I'm somewhat disappointed. I was lucky enough to have a friend who was able to lay his hands on a copy. The first think I noticed was the lack of options for the game. It's pretty simplistic and you really can't tweak it. I then noticed that you don't fight on a bridge like in other ST space combat games. The control over ships functions is rudimentary at best. Then came the interface and control of the ship. It is pretty bad. The camera flies all over the place and you have to keep moving the mouse around to see the environment. i wish it was more like Klingon Academy where you can use a joystick. While the controls are bad, the game should appeal to newcomers who haven't had a taste of the good stuff. Those who've played Klingon Academy and Bridge Commander will probably not like this game as much. It's probably worth one play-through and then you'll forget about it. All that good voice acting and this is all we get?