Great game, with a few flaws... read on!

User Rating: 8.3 | Star Trek: Legacy PC
Its been a long time since a Star Trek game has graced the gaming world, and not belly floped, in terms of playability. The game is just as it says, a tactical space combat game and you are an Admiral in control! You'll control a maximum of 4 ships, during a mission, and depending on how you do in a mission you'll get more or less command points, thus allowing you to buy a better ship.

Well I'll skip the major details of how the game works, you can read the offical review if you wan't to know how the game plays. The game started off bumpy, I'll admit the first five missions are the hardes, and it gets easyer from then on. The book actualy has the wrong controls in it, and I was supprised to see Bethsoft make such a "durr" mistake. The book and Titorial are sparse at best, and from time to time have the wrong buttons (one even tells you to use the LS=Left Stick for the X360... but the game was on PC lol). Aside from a few bugs like that (which I'm sure Bethsoft will fix in a patch) the game runs smoth and my PC was only around the minimum requirements.

In short if you wan't a solid and well done Star Trek game, than this is defently for you, I will warn you though the game is a bit short and took me only around 10-12ish hours to beat the single player, but it has an interesting Multiplayer and Bethsoft will be adding content to Multiplayer. As I mentioned if your a Trek fan go for it, and heck if you even want a "large" ship space sim, this is also for you. Overall I'd say the game is very solid, and aside from the odd controls (if you go to the Readme file you'll get the actual controls) and the length of single player its a solid buy.