I love space games and I love Star Trek. So this should have been perfect for me. Guess what?
The graphics look quite ok, but the handling is the worst I have seen for years. You really have to press a key and then choose an option on a wheel that pops up. They seem to never have heard about action bars that are standard meanwhile.
After the first two or three missions I had reached the limit of four ships. But of what use is a super duper starship if you cannot manouver it to track your target? I was in constant trial to get those opponents in front or behind my own ship, rotating all the time.
There are none of those preprogrammed attack patterns that are used in Star Trek. I would have expected a kind of “fly by the oppenent and stay xxx away from it” while I shoot on it. It seems you are the only person on the ship – or better, on all four ships. Everything must be done manual, even repair orders in-fight. You have to switch to the other ships, give the repair orders, then turn back to your ship.
There are no cinematic sequences between fights, no story, just one mission after the other.
After little more than one hour I had seen enough and was extremely frustrated -> uninstall.