The controls are that bad i get confussed talking about them!!!
Personally if i had designed a startrek game i would have passed the controls and handling on the previous, 'Star Trek Bridge Commander' those controls were simplistic but brilliant; The normal W,S,A,D movement controls, and F or G to fire [or left click/ right click]. All the ships functions had seperate controls so there was no confusion. For example on Star Trek Legacy, if you lock on to a ship and then u deside to use the repair function then the ship stops following the targeted ship because you've moved the mouse! Plus there is no gaurantee that it will lock on to the ship any way, it will put the box around the targetted ship but it wont follow. Of course the only way to do this is press F, however some times when you click F the ship only goes in the direction which you were pointing the cross hair when you clicked F, insteda of following the enemy ship. Lets just put it simply, The controls are that bad i'm getting confused talking about them!!!
Well we've covered bad controls, (sorry for my bad grammer but its hard to explain how bad they are!) lets move on to the STOREY LINE, and lets face it, it is the worst star trek storey line i've ever seen heard or imagined. i mean come on the vulcans taking over the borg, i mean i know you want to get all the races in, but that is pitiful! the best thing they could have done was continue from the current time line with flash backs of previous time line events... OR completely seperate the individual time lines all together. )(The later being the best option).
I will say that it was a good idea to get the actors voices involved with the game but they needed to be more extensively involved.. with better cutscenes. but over all i rate the sound better than all the other ratings cos theres no real fault there, aside from the odd glitch they got it right! Graphics!!!! well the graphics are excellent, EXCEPT for the massive glitch factor, now i dont have a top of the range pc, but lets head back about 4 months ago and i did have.. The game SHOULD run more beautifully than ever, how ever there are glitches upon glitches.. one of the most annoying of which was what i call the cursor-save game glitch. What happens is, right you save your game before each level, lets clear that up first. During gameplay, (and its generally the battle moments of the game) the cursor stops functioning and disappears so if you want to repair your ship or energy or look for another ship, you've got no chance. I've discovered that the only way to counter this is by pressing 'esc', now heres where the -save game part of the glitch comes in. Generally you would have thought that pressing esc would lead you to the options menu, WRONG. In this glitch if presents a save-game confirmation screen. This screen says game saved succesfully, and displays an ok put below it. now here comes the annoying part if you've just descovered this glitch-fix, You can't select this ok button with the cursor, as the cursor doesnt function. So you can either wonder round with you r mouse for ages hoping for the cursor to appear over that ok button or do it my way, and press down several times until it selects. Now press enter and there you go cursor back with the options screen.. BUUUTTT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ON A GAME, you should be able to play with no problems, and NO Glitches!
Well in all fairness the this game is worth about 99 pence in a bargin bin down your local supermarket.. however it has potential for the gaming moders our there. Simply because Modders can fix these bugs and glitches and send to other users.. but thats up to them. over all this game does have the potential to be worth the price of a priemium game, but the developers didnt sort out the numerous problems before releasing the game.
So all in all the game 'IDEA' was good but they clearly didn't work hard enough to make the game a success! and it is because of this that i rate the game a abysmal 1.9