STO is great... kinda... it should have been better.
Now don't get me wrong I love STO, its a great game, I was in beta and I bought the Lifetime sub however it is far from complete. STO feels like it needed at least another year in development. I'm glad I get to play it but I do agree 100% when people say its not finished. I'm a klingon fan and I refuse to play klingon untill they release some content.
So on to the bulk of the review. STO is shallow, I'm already Rear Admiral 3 (5 is the cap) and I can say the game feels like a rinse and repeate all the way through. Seriously I can only recomend STO to a true Trek fan because it will be their fandom that will keep them going. Sadly space combat is the bulk of the fun and even it can get repedative. Ground combat is annoyingly slow and more often then not I rush through the missions trying to move on.
The game is a giant box of instanses. Cryptic did a GREAT job with City of Heroes so its sad to see them fail with STO. I've also soloed all the way to max level. I can say this: If you're interested in playing STO go in knowing that its unfinished. If you can't handle that fact then come back in six months and see what Cryptic has added. With my lifetime sub I'll be following the game till they shut it down and knowing Cryptic I can say they're great at adding content fast and free.
For now I'm holding out for SW:OR... I hope I don't wait in vain.