One of the best most original games i have ever played

User Rating: 10 | Star Trek Online PC
The review for this game was just awful. Please do not read this or others posts before trying your self. This is not WoW, and you shouldn't you be looking for WoW in this game. STO pulls 100% from the Star Trek world. The whole time playing the game you feel like you are 100% in the star trek world. For the first time in a mmo i actually fill i am part of something bigger than killing a few birds trying to get them to drop talons. Get a buddy key and get in the action. This games space combat is the best around and the ground combat is ok but will get better over time.

Most of you probably remember Guild Wars. One of my favorite mmos that was different than most the mmos out at the time. STO feels to me kidda like star wars. It will have a good base of players that will love the game, and it will also have the base that hate it. Just like cryptic's last game, even though it got poor reviews it was still a blast and still has a huge community.

I feel that people want games as polished as games like WoW that have been around for 7 years. I think reviewers and players forget what WoW was like at launch, it was garbage and had no content. Then over the years it grew into a fun game that many could enjoy.