Why such poor reviews?

User Rating: 7.8 | Star Trek: Tactical Assault DS
If you've played any space strategy game, this will be familiar with how things work in this game. I saw reviews that said it was a third-rate game not deserving attention, which was disapointing, since i've been looking forward to this game for allmost a year. Anyway, while doing some gift shopping I came accross a buy two, get one free deal. So, i decided to pick this game since, why not? It's free! I was suprised at how good it really was. I'm glad i picked it up, because even as a casual fan it was fun. The button controls work well, with touch screen option that is less favorable. The graphics are actually pretty good for ds, and very playable, 3D with no noticable (if any) lag. There are no characters from the series, but i loved being my own character. Your ship is upgradable...but you can't choose your crew. I can live with that.