A really good game to play, you got to have this if your a star trek fan, and if your a fan of strategy
The ferengi are really profit oriented, and I have used that to buy lots of ships. The cardassians are the bad guys, I used them to conquer others and pretty much dominate the galaxy. I enjoyed all of the minor races as well. They were missing some of them, but they got all of the important ones in.
I liked the tactical combat as well. In particular I enjoyed really large battles with lots of ships against each other. Even though the tactical choices for the ships are few and pretty much straightforward, its still challenging to try to win against superior odds. The klingons are good for that, they can be hopelessly outnumbered and still win sometimes due to their superior weapons and their production rate. This was proven to me dozens of times when I thought I would definitely lose the battle, I still came out on top. The starships are pretty nice as well, I enjoyed just looking at them from the tactical viewer and just zooming them in and out. Overall, these ship designs are pretty nice I think.
I wished they could have had the dominion and a few other races I could think of as well, but the list might be too long. But for the first try, it turned out pretty good. The races are pretty balanced out, but when they are ruled by the right person, you can turn each of them into deadly forces. I recommend this game to anyone who has lots of time at night, a brilliant tactical mind, and you have got to love micro management. Without it, you will be confused really quick. A great game, a must have for the Star Trek fans out there.