Birth of the Federation, is a hard game to get into but when you do you will not stop playing it..........
User Rating: 9 | Star Trek The Next Generation: Birth of the Federation PC
Birth of the Federation, is a hard game to get into but when you do you will not stop playing it. BOTF is one of those games where it helps to already be a fan of star trek that way most of the work is done and you know what to expect. In BOTF you get to play as 1 of 5 major powers in star trek, these being the: Federation. Klingons. Romulans. Cardasians. Ferengi. As one of these five powers you must compete for the minor races and other systems that you can find. The end goal is to control it all, the great thing about BOTF is that complete in the game can be done differantly. The grahics of BOTF are ok not great but they do the job, the music is great and the sounds are cool as well. If you can find this game and you are a fan of star trek then i say you should play it you will like it.