Besides the bombed out online play, The single player is very cool.
User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
Star Wars: Battlefront is a pretty good shooter. You don't have to like star wars to get into this game. The single player is fun but repetative, pretty much kick the other teams ass before they kick yours. I noticed the game does give you a chance if your team happens to be defeted, if you replay the same map the other team all of a sudden becomes stupider. The game is really fun though. I like the use of all the classic vehicles from the TIE fighters to Tanks and ATT's. The missions do play out like the movie for the most part except you can make the outcome how you want it. In my opinion the online part of this game sucks. The gameplay is very laggy and very choppy. I use a cable connection so it was the game for sure. I played online for about 5 seconds and turned it off. It is hard to make any kills when your target is jumping around the screen and taking steps 10ft at a time. This game is better in single player.