Star Wars: Battlefront is one of the best Star Wars games for the ps2. If you’re a star wars fan you definitely have...

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
Star Wars: Battlefront is one of the best Star Wars games for the ps2. If you’re a star wars fan you definitely have...
... to check this game out. This game uses all the good aspects from the movies and mixes it very well with a solid gameplay. All the maps are taken from the movies, places such as Naboo and Yavin. You can play as Rebel or Empire; CIS or Republic. The game offers single player and multiplayer. The single player is divided into three parts: historical campaign, galactic conquest, and instant action. Historical campaign is two separate campaigns from the movies; galactic conquest lets you fight for the possession of the entire galaxy, you will need to beat each planet (which has 2 different maps) in the galaxy to win; and instant action lets you choose a map, a side and play. The multiplayer can be played online or split screen with another player. The online supports up to 16 players. This game lacks more maps, which results in a short game. Overall this is a good action game, and if you’re a star wars fan, you must definitely try this out.